Saturday, November 5, 2011

"Tell me what you want to see"

              I have thought of a thousand ways of starting this blog. I thought of talking about peace, respect, and solidarity. I thought of saying…

“Where there is love there is life.” 
Mahatma Gandhi.

…and make an invitation to anybody who wants love to be abundant in the world, but I remembered the very first years of my life. I remember the kind voice of my aunt reading for me what I consider the most beautiful book ever written: “Little Prince.” If you have never read it, I advise you to go find it, while if you have read it, I advise you to read it one more time. “Little Prince” is a book for kids and adults, for the rich and the poor, for men and women; it is a book for you…

You must be wondering why I am talking about a book in a blog about cultures. The answer for your question is the goal I am pursuing with this blog. “Little Prince” was a child who lived in another planet, so small that there was only space for him, his small volcanoes, and his flower. This child wanted to know other people and places bigger that his house. That is why, he traveled to the Earth, but during his journey, he met all sorts of different inhabitants of planets as small as his. Even though he did not understand them, he respected and listened to them all. I want to be like “Little Prince;” I want to know other people, places, and cultures. I also want you to talk to me, no matter what “planet” you came from. I want to listen and respect even if I do not understand…

Every week, I will talk about a personality, place, religion, custom, book, anything that can help us understand a particular culture, and that culture will become the topic of the week. Send me your suggestions, comments, and tell me what you want to see on this page. Become like the “Little Prince,” respectful if you do not understand and willing to learn if do not know.
Little Prince


  1. I enjoyed reading your post. The way you started your blog was great. I don't know you but your post must reflect a lot about you.

  2. I LOVE your blog! The philosophy behind it and the metaphor of the Little Prince is so compelling and beautiful. I look forward to read your posts! Excellent writing!

  3. Thanks a lot. I am very glad that you liked it!!

  4. Hello Rudy
    Yes, this post reflects a lot about me. I grew up reading the "Little Prince." It is my favorite book.
