Saturday, December 3, 2011

Brahma, Vishnu, Siva

             Creation, conservation, and destruction are the main concepts of the religion of India. Brahma is the creator; that is why, the religion is called Brahmanism. Vishnu is the conservation God and Siva the destruction. Brahmanism, also called Hinduism, is a polytheistic religion as ancient as the oldest religion of Egypt. I believe India is the only country in the world that preserves its ancient polytheistic religion as the official religion for the country. This makes India one of my favorite countries and a desired destiny to visit. The sacred literature of Hinduism is the Vedas. Hindus believe that that their souls reincarnate in other bodies. Every time a Hindu comes back to the world is to improve as a human being until they reach the “Nirvana,” which is the highest state that a human being can reach. Hindus worship more the conservation and destruction Gods, because creation has already occurred. The conservation God, Vishnu has many avatars or incarnations. In one of his most common avatars, he is usually represented in blue. It is not a coincidence then that the recent movie directed by James Cameron was called “Avatar” since the humans at the spatial station could "incarnate" in a blue body.
Avatar, the movie
Vishnu, blue avatar


  1. Avatar was based off of this religion? Didnt know that

  2. It was not based on the religion. However, the concept of "Avatar" was used in the movie. Scientists use mythological characters and places to name things such as the planets (Venus, Mars, etc, who were Greek Gods)At the spacial station in the movie Avatar, the scientists used this mythological concept to name their creation (the human mind could be inside a blue body) What I meant to give was the explanation of why they used that concept.
